Who is MASNRN?

We are school nurses, researchers and those in the public health sector working together to further the practice of school nursing through research.

About Us

We are over 60 school nurses, researchers, and public health nurses interested in the advancement of the knowledge and science of school nursing practice. Our Board of Directors, along with the subcommittees (Finance, Public Relations, Education, Membership, Website, Newsletter/Outreach, Opportunities for Research), oversee our strategic plan of education about research, conducting research and dissemination of research findings.

Our Mission

MASNRN is a practice based research network comprised of a representative, collaborative group of professional school nurses and nurse academicians. Its members believe that students need and deserve high quality school nursing care to help attain their full academic potential. This requires that school nurses embrace evidence-based practice. MASNRN conducts research and uses translational research to support and improve student health outcomes and the efficacy of school nursing care.

MASNRN Board of Directors

President: Laura White PhD, RN, PNP Adjunct Professor

President-elect: open position

Clerk: open position

Assistant Clerk: Mary Jane O’Brien PhD, RN, PNP, NCSN, School Nurse

Treasurer: Judy Aubin MSN, RN, MEd, NCSN School Nurse Leader

Director:  Carol Bradford BSN, RN, NCSN School Nurse Leader

Director: M. Laurette Hughes PhD, RN, PNP Nurse Researcher

Director: Diana “Diane” Colucci, MSN, RN

Non-Profit Status:

Governing documents for MASNRN are posted in the MA Secretary of State’s website for non-profit corporations

Financial information for MASNRN is available upon request (info@masnrn.org)